Attorneys For Wage And Hour Violations

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that guarantees a minimum wage and very specific overtime rules for both private and government employers. This federal legislation establishes that employees must be paid time-and-a-half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Meanwhile, California wage and hour laws are governed by the California Labor Code and State Wage Orders Guidelines. These state laws operate under a slightly different standard. In addition to the already established federal guidelines, California demands that all nonexempt employees be paid time-and-a-half for any time worked in excess of eight hours per day.

Our Employment Litigation Attorneys Will Help You Get Paid What You Earned

There are some major differences between state and federal law. The California hourly wage laws are among the most protective of employees in the entire nation. From offices in Los Angeles, Hennig, Ruiz & Singh offers a team of highly regarded wage and hour attorneys representing workers whose employers have violated federal and California state laws regarding pay and benefits.

If you believe that your employer did not meet the state or federal provisions, then you may be entitled to proper compensation and any applicable penalties. Contact our law offices today for a free consultation.

What Types Of Clients Does Hennig, Ruiz & Singh Represent?

In California, wage and hour laws are really very simple, but many employers often take advantage of their employees’ lack of understanding of these simple guidelines. Employees may fear repercussions or retaliation from the employer in some way for filing a complaint, perhaps even termination. But you have rights. And your team at Hennig, Ruiz & Singh is always here to help you stand up for your rights and receive the financial compensation you are entitled to.

Our lawyers represent employees in claims involving the following types of FLSA issues:

Our team of highly qualified attorneys will vigorously fight for your rights and ensure a speedy recovery of your unpaid wages and penalties. We want to put that money in your pocket as soon as possible.

Are You A Temporary Worker, Day Laborer Or An Independent Contractor?
Even though you may not be a staff employee, contract workers have rights under federal and California state wage and hour laws. Call us about your circumstances, and we will review your situation and explain your rights under the law.

Are You A Victim Of Violations Of California’s Hourly Wage Laws?

If you believe that your employer violated the federal or California hourly wage laws, then you may be entitled to proper and immediate compensation and any applicable penalties. Hennig, Ruiz & Singh always recommends that you document the circumstances, then follow your employer’s internal policies and procedures for making such a claim. Documentation may become key evidence in a future litigation and ultimately at court trial.

Multi-Plaintiff Wage And Hour Case Settled For $330,000
In a multi-plaintiff case involving multiple individual plaintiffs, our office was able to recover $330,000 on behalf of our clients for failure to pay overtime and failure to provide proper meal and rest breaks.

Contact Us To Schedule A Free Consultation · No Fees Unless You Win

Please visit our Do I Have A Case? page to answer a few questions relating to your circumstances. If the questionnaire indicates you may have a case against your employer, call us at 213-985-1305 or contact us by email for a free consultation. Se Habla Español.